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In this interview, Sandra, Doreen, David and Bob Dennison speak about the importance of literacy in their family and reminisce about growing up in the Weston community.

Stewart, a long-time resident of Weston, has served as teacher and principal at schools in the Weston community for 45 years.

Sid is a settlement worker and library advocate that uses the library to help his newcomer clients settle into life in Canada.


Michael is a lawyer in the Weston area and a member of the Weston BIA who served on the Library Board in the early 1990s.

Martin is a long-time Weston resident and a member of the Weston Historical Society.

Linda was a former branch head and children's librarian at the Weston Branch, who worked in the library both before the construction of the addition and after its opening.

June is an artist and life-long resident of Weston, who has painted beautiful scenes of the Weston Library.


Born and raised in Weston, Anatanas is an accomplished critic and novelist who has written a novel based on life in Weston in the 1950s.
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